About Me

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English, Russian, Spanish and other languages. Educator, Writer. Self-Publisher. Publisher. Master's Degree in Education. Location: USA since 1995. Native Russian speaker. A good person. Worldly. Well-mannered. Just. Honest. Lack of tolerance for stupidity, ignorance, impudence, craving for control.

Thursday, April 30, 2015


host of malware and viruses
Title: Free PDF eBooks online - nuibooks.com
Description: View and download pdf eBooks online for free - Best free online pdf books directory for al

Domain Age: 1 Years, 164 Days
Website Speed: Very Fast

Organisation: qi qingjun
Owner: qi qingjun
Owner Address: baomibaomibaomi
Owner City: anshun
Owner Postcode: 561016
Phone Number: 86853 000000 
Phone Type: geographic :Anshun, GZ
Email: 917925335@qq.com 

Owner Country : China 
Website Location  : United States 

Probable website origin :-
 80%;     China
 20%;     United States

1)                      Administrative contact email address is a free one
2)                      Technical contact email address is a free one
3)                      Registered contact email address is a free one
4)                      This Site Maybe Linked With Other Risky Sites
5)                      This website is 1 Years old
6)                      The website expected life (365 days) is relatively short.
7)                      This website setup involves countries known to be high risk
8)                      This website is likely to be operating from a high risk country

Analysis Details:-
Although being a new website, does not make it un-trustworthy, as with any new business you should be extra vigilant and do your own research before placing an order or making an investment.
This site has a high risk country associated with it. This may be as you expect but care should be taken if purchasing an item from a site that you didn't expect to be associated with the countries listed above. Certain countries are listed as being high risk because of the high percentage of online fraud or tendency to send fake/replica items.

Free email addresses have been used in the setup of this website. This is not necesarily worrying, depending on the site. For online shops, this can be a sign that the site has some risk

The website has been newly registered with a short life expectancy, which follows the pattern used by many fraudulent and fake selling websites. Please be vigilant and take extra care before providing any payment information.
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debthorneycroft (signed in using yahoo)
This website is also giving away free pdfs of my book! How do we stop them?
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·         https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-1/p50x50/11074378_10203070353953219_5656482403489192358_n.jpg?oh=93d9954b5afea04796deb4a7387e58d6&oe=559B1813&__gda__=1440827482_98120fd07806b8c15a81250da1ddeb32
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I was shocked to find that this fake website was trying to sell my book, Why Me? A Children's Guide to Spiritual Restoration from Sexual Abuse this week. What a shame and I am glad you all have provided me with some valuable information. Great job and thanks for the information.
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·         https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-1/c33.33.414.414/s50x50/223597_10150254307307109_3612543_n.jpg?oh=ecc570e59c6aee3e3160c88ad67a9bde&oe=55C86CC8&__gda__=1440760964_069ccc82b6c9b87eb572282d20fe5648
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Peter Schaeffer ·  Top Commenter · Houston, Texas
Of course, I did get a few things for "free" that I didn't want. Namely a host of malware (for sure) and viruses (possibly). The only good news is that the malware wasn't that hard to remove.
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·         https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-1/c33.33.414.414/s50x50/223597_10150254307307109_3612543_n.jpg?oh=ecc570e59c6aee3e3160c88ad67a9bde&oe=55C86CC8&__gda__=1440760964_069ccc82b6c9b87eb572282d20fe5648
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Peter Schaeffer ·  Top Commenter · Houston, Texas
This is a fake website. Don't use it and don't give them your credit card. They will take money out of your credit care without authorization and not deliver any promised goods. Apparently the credit card companies know that this is a fraudulent website. I got calls and text messages from a credit card company within minutes of using this site. These were automated fraud alerts. The fraud was real.
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·         https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-1/c39.11.142.142/s50x50/155774_1463044062347_283531_n.jpg?oh=9357fc412443b68a82f68be7f1067bd8&oe=559AF72D&__gda__=1440843112_a2f92abd0131f0f6a108a4168f6de0d0
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We have attempted to contact them to discuss potential copyright infringements but not received any reply. We've contacted their hosting service to complain.
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Thank you!!!!

Numerous complaints from internet (e.g. Amazon Discussion, etc.)

Thank you, everybody, for spreading this information!



My book has 160 pages. It is 2015 edition. 

The Amazon and Kindle has the wrong description. They have the description of my old 2011-edition that used to have 83 pages and the author's name was Zoia Sproesser (my pre-divorce name).

This is my book new Kindle Edition:

On the top of the first picture here is the strange link that does not give a link to a real Kindle edition book (above), and it has incorrect, obsolete information about my book.

I guess Amazon.fr is not very well developed yet.


Please advise if you are experiencing the same problems in posting your books on Kindle!!!!


Thank you!!!!

The strange link that gives incorrect information and does not connect to Kindle edition:

Why I am showing it?  1)To spread the information 2) To get some help from those who know 3) To get authors who have the same issues (posting on Kindle, connection with Amazon) -  united!


N APRIL 2015



based on


by Zoia Eliseyeva

                1st Ed. March. 2011. USA.

2nd Edition – extended.
Z. Eliseyeva. March 2015. USA.

All author’s rights are protected.

Трое в лодке не считая собаки                                4
Three men in a boat                      
Author's Hope                                                   124
2nd Edition (extended)                                   126
Summary of the 2nd Edition                          131
Author's Notes                                                 135
Readers' Comments                                       146
Bibliography                                                       151
Other books by this author                          153

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Dear Friends! These 2 books are on Kindle too, but I have problem to connect those links to Amazon.  I even cannot get those links from browser! Any recommendations? Thank you! zoiaedu@zoiaeliseyeva.com

Дорогие друзья! Эти две книги есть и на сайте электронных книг КИНДЛ, но я не знаю как скопировать прямые линки к моим книгам. Они даже не показываются в моем браузере! А все печатные двигатели Амазона в один голос повторяют, что русский язык не принадлежит к списку языков, которые они публикуют.  Язык Манкс, последний представитель которого умер в 1974 году - принадлежит списку. А вот русский - нет. Благодарю за любые, даже маленькие, советы.  


А я не вымерший Манкс, я живая русская учительница, проживающая в Калифорнии! 


The Girl from California - 2: Stories
Authored by Zoia Sproesser

172 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1466371729 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1466371722
BISAC: Foreign Language Study / Russian

The Girl from California - 3: Stories and Jokes
Authored by Mrs Zoia Sproesser

148 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1469928340 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1469928345
BISAC: Humor / General

The Girl from California: Russian teacher of English language in the USA
Authored by Zoia Burkhart (Sproesser), Prepared for publication by Publishing House Golos-Press Moscow, Russia

440 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1453604427 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1453604421
BISAC: Humor / General
The Girl from California (Девушка из штата Калифорния) - in the Russian language. It is a partially autobiographical, intercultural novel, first published in Moscow, Russia in 2004.

From the Moscow Publisher:
            Russian woman, Zoya Eliseyeva, came as a student to the USA and got married to an American.  She decided to write down day by day all interesting events of her life in a new country.  She wrote down all the problems she had and the way she solved them.  As a result - the book came out, which you, Dear Reader, are holding now in your hands.
            The book “A Girl from State California” is very sincere and talented, where very vividly and convincingly, with fine humor and soft irony, the author tells the story how uneasy it is to adjust for a Russian person to a strange, different way of life.  We are confident that this book will not leave no one indifferent, because it is written in a light manner, with a beautiful Russian language, and one will read it non-stop until they finish reading.
P.F. Alyoshkin, writer and publisher

Russian language:
Русская женщина, Зоя Елисеева, приехала на курсы в США и вышла замуж за американца. Она решила записывать день за днем все интересные события из своей жизни в новой стране, все возникающие на ее пути проблемы и то, как она их решала.  В результате получилась книга, которую вы, дорогой читатель, держите в руках. 
            Книга "Девушка из штата Калифорния" на редкость искренняя, талантливая, в ней живо, убедительно, с тонким юмором и мягкой иронией рассказывается о  том, как не просто встраиваться русскому человеку в иную,  незнакомую жизнь.  Мы убеждены, что эта книга ни одного человека не оставит равнодушным, ведь написана она легко, прекрасным русским языком, и читается на одном дыхании.
П.Ф.Алешкин, писатель и издатель

Available at:


and Amazon
Paperback on Amazon ($14.00) (the book is 430 pages) link:
and Kindle (only $3.99)